Tuesday, November 29, 2016

るろうに剣心 -明治剣客浪漫譚 (Ruroni Kenshin: Meji Swordsman Romantic Story)

私わ るろうに剣心のマンガを よんで、

アニメを みて、


Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Eight weeks of learning Japanese has passed. Where am I at? Am I accomplishing my goals? Do I feel like I am learning?

I was correct in my first blog, Japanese is the hardest language I have ever tried to learn. It has been very difficult。 I have had trouble keeping up with the speed of the class and the speed of the language. I have often felt lost and behind in class. But I am not discouraged! The struggles I am facing now will make learning Japanese all the more worthwhile. It is not like I can give up anyways, I am going to be living in Japan for a year! Learning Japanese now will enrich my experience more in Japan.  So I will continue to stress, struggle, and work until I learn Japanese. I know by the time I go to Japan I will not be proficient, but I hope to have a solid foundation of the language. While I am there, I am hope it will become more natural. I am happy to have this goal, because it keeps me motivated, it keeps me working even when I want to give up.  

As for my past goals, which I set for myself in a previous post, I think two are realistic and one might need to be revised. The two that are realistic is increasing my confidence and my speed.  This comes with simple practice and study. I have to continue to be diligent in my work, I cannot slouch. The one that I think needs to be revised is the desire to speak conversationally. I think for the end of my time in Japanese 101 it is to lofty. Perhaps, I can reach that goal in Japan.

So I need a new third goal.

My third goal is going to be simple and something achievable. I want to be able to speak a large chuck of Japanese sentences very clearly. I've noticed in my shadowing that I struggle in large chucks of sentences. I can handle simple and small sentences, but long and numerous sentences throw me off. I have set a very simple goal and I hope to achieve it by the end of the semester. It is doable.

To achieve my new goal, I am going to practice reading long sentences once or twice a day. I am going to try and construct my own sentences once a day. Lastly, I will continue to go to office hours and practice with my 先生。


Thursday, September 29, 2016


I have three Goals I want to achieve by the end of my semester.
1).I want to be confident! I am very nervous about my Japanese.
2). I think my lack of confidence is that I can not keep up. I need to increase my speed. Both with comprehension and speaking.
3). I want to be able to partake in conversation casually. This requires both confidence and speed. I have plans set to go live in Japan next year, and it will be a lot easier if I can speak casually in Japan.

How do I plan to achieve this.
1). Watch a lot of anime and Japanese films! Isn't it amazing that the goals I have set can be accomplished through something I love to do. I will try to shadow and learn phrases. I will try to watch a episode or film at least once a week.
2). I have for the past year been going to a Japanese church. The entire service is done in Japanese! I can practice my listening and conversation skills every week.
3). I am going to try and take advantage of the office hours offered at least once a week to go over questions I have in class. I will try to go every 2 weeks!

I am excited to see how much I improve in a year!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

わたしは うおんです。

わたしは だいがくいんせいです。

わたしは れきしの せんこうは。
Virginia Harrisonburgかう きました。


Friday, September 16, 2016

A New Langauge


As the title of my blog suggest I am a 5th generation Japanese trying to learn the language.
Meaning my family  came from Japan five generations ago first arriving in Hawaii in the late 19th Century. At the time my family name was Inouye. By my Grandma's generation most of the Japanese language had been forgotten.

I am excited to learn Japanese. It will be my fourth language I have learned. I have learned Spanish, Hebrew, and Greek so Japanese should be easy for me with all my language experience. WRONG! I am expecting Japanese to be the hardest language I have ever learned. The Spanish alphabet is so similar to English that it was not a huge leap. Greek, while harder than Spanish, still had similar characteristics in their alphabet compared to English. Not only that but Greek and Spanish both shared cognates with English. Hebrew thus far has been the most difficult, because it has no similarities to the English alphabet. Yet like the English alphabet the Hebrew alphabet letters represent sounds that form words. Hebrew is probably the most similar of all the languages I have learned to Japanese. As it is also read from right to left. However with Hebrew and Greek I did not learn to speak nor construct sentences. All I learned was to read. With Japanese I want to be able as fluent in it as I am in English. A lofty goal.

I plan to go to Japan next year. I will live there for at least 11 months. My goals for this semester and the upcoming semester was to create a solid base of the Japanese language. I want to have a working knowledge before I leave next year. I am excited to learn.

