Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Eight weeks of learning Japanese has passed. Where am I at? Am I accomplishing my goals? Do I feel like I am learning?

I was correct in my first blog, Japanese is the hardest language I have ever tried to learn. It has been very difficult。 I have had trouble keeping up with the speed of the class and the speed of the language. I have often felt lost and behind in class. But I am not discouraged! The struggles I am facing now will make learning Japanese all the more worthwhile. It is not like I can give up anyways, I am going to be living in Japan for a year! Learning Japanese now will enrich my experience more in Japan.  So I will continue to stress, struggle, and work until I learn Japanese. I know by the time I go to Japan I will not be proficient, but I hope to have a solid foundation of the language. While I am there, I am hope it will become more natural. I am happy to have this goal, because it keeps me motivated, it keeps me working even when I want to give up.  

As for my past goals, which I set for myself in a previous post, I think two are realistic and one might need to be revised. The two that are realistic is increasing my confidence and my speed.  This comes with simple practice and study. I have to continue to be diligent in my work, I cannot slouch. The one that I think needs to be revised is the desire to speak conversationally. I think for the end of my time in Japanese 101 it is to lofty. Perhaps, I can reach that goal in Japan.

So I need a new third goal.

My third goal is going to be simple and something achievable. I want to be able to speak a large chuck of Japanese sentences very clearly. I've noticed in my shadowing that I struggle in large chucks of sentences. I can handle simple and small sentences, but long and numerous sentences throw me off. I have set a very simple goal and I hope to achieve it by the end of the semester. It is doable.

To achieve my new goal, I am going to practice reading long sentences once or twice a day. I am going to try and construct my own sentences once a day. Lastly, I will continue to go to office hours and practice with my 先生。



  1. はじめまして。わたしのなまえはミヤです。日本語はたいへんですね?わたしのクラスはとてもむずがしいです。あなたの日本語のクラスはどうですか。

  2. はじめまして。わたしのなまえはミナミです。
    Hang in there!がんばりましょう:)
